How the poutine came to be an iconic Canadian dish, I’ll
never know. Sure, it’s wildly delicious – after all, how could fries doused in
gravy and cheese not be? But, is it actually better than the plethora of
seafood and wild game offerings our country could be recognized for?
Somehow, in all my visits to Quebec, this dish has eluded
me. Until this year, my only encounters with poutine generally revolved around
food court creations or late night hangover suppressants from younger years. So,
when I finally re-visited the birthplace of poutine, a trip to La Banquise was
Firstly, the restaurant is opened 24 hours, so I knew I
could have the heart clogging delight for any meal. Secondly, with so many
varieties, there’d be something to fill cravings. Everything still starts with
your basic base of fries, poutine sauce, and cheese curds. Afterwards, a
selection of meats (bacon, hot dog, smoked meat), additional condiments (guacamole,
salsa) or vegetables (onion, peppers, mushrooms) can round out the creation.
For my first taste of the “authentic” dish, sticking with la
classique ($7.25 for the regular) seemed crucial: the three staple ingredients
without any of the frills. After the long wait, it’s bittersweet to report that
the poutine was good, but no huge dissimilarity from the non-Quebecois offerings.

La Banquise did use one expert touch: layering the cheese
curds throughout the fries. Every bite had some cheese, if only the sauce was
hotter so the curds could actually melt.
Should you actually travel to Quebec just to try our
national treasure? Likely not. But, if you’re in the area and have a hankering
for something indulgent, La Banquise has enough fries, cheese and poutine sauce
for everyone.
How To Find Them
Location: Montreal, Canada
Address: 994 Rue Rachel East
Address: 994 Rue Rachel East
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